Karnataka Sangha Chennai


Sangha has travelled a long distance ever since and a small hut is being replaced by Multistory Building. Corporation of Madras was kind enough to allot 13 grounds of land to the sangha in a prime locality of T-Nagar Area. Many of the early members were highly placed in Govt. and Social Circles. Their contribution in the establishment of growth of Karnataka Sangha needs special attention.

Many Presidents and Office bearers during the subsequent years have also contributed their time, talents and treasure for the growth of Sangha during their respective regimes. We salute all those in gratitude.

Karnataka Sangha is running a Primary and Higher Secondary School catering to the middle class and lower middle class local population along with students of Kannada origin. Presently the school has strength of 1500 students and 80 Teaching Staff. With dedicated staff we produce good results years after years.

The prestigious air-conditioned school auditorium is a major attraction. All leading artists of the south in the fields of Music, dance, drama etc have given their performance here. The Sangha conducts various cultural programmes throughout the year for the benefit of its members.

The temple of Sri Moola Prakrithambika in the precincts of the Sangha is the major attraction not only for the members, but also for the devotees who reside nearby. The Mata’s grace has been working as shield of protection ever since Sangha's inception.